Making Evening Sessions Fun For Little People
What you want to start the session at bedtime?! I hear this A LOT from parents however this really is the best time to hold sessions especially during the summer months. The reason being is the light. Who wants harsh, dark shadows on faces with squinting eyes not to mention the sweltering heat and worry of sunburn. When the sun takes itself down a notch the light just calms down and you can say good bye to, luminous yellow grass, high contrast skin tones and blown highlights. But how do you get your children to be awake let alone happy enough to run around playing getting the beautiful pictures you’ve been dreaming of at that time of the day.
Actually its not too hard. Here’s a few tips to make your evening a success and a happy family outing.
If your children are old enough treat it like an exciting day out only for the evening. Talk about me, how we are going to play some games in a field and stay up late.
I personally treat my children to a take away and movie night afterwards. They look forward to photo night every year.
Prepare yourselves that on this one occasion it may be a long evening till they settle back down for bed however little ones usually get so much excitement they tire themselves out during the session and fall asleep on the way home.
Pack PJs to change your kids into for the journey back.
Delay and push back nap time by 1-2 hours on the day of your shoot
Bring snacks for during the session and drinks.
Try to have dinner out the way before your session if your children are older.
Lastly, just relax, go with it and have fun, its one evening over the weekend and you have Sunday to install your routine back before the working week.